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Welcome to our latest quarterly newsletter 

With the end of financial year in our sights, now is the time to think about giving your retirement planning a boost with an injection of funds to your super before 30 June. We also outline the superannuation changes commencing on 1 July 2024.

Before you start to invest your hard earned money, it is critical to understand what your overall goals and objectives are. We have outlined a number of things you should consider first.

Upcoming changes to Australia’s tax system mean it’s time for investors to review their investment strategies. Discover what the changes are and how they may impact your investment strategy.

Interest rate rises have been at the forefront of conversations over the past 2 years and it’s still up in the air as to when the RBA will start reducing the cash rate. Find out why investors are focused on where interest rates are headed.

Finally, we’re all aware of the prevalence of cybercrime. One of the simplest ways to protect your information is to ensure you have secure login credentials. Find out more here.

We love to hear from you, so please feel free to contact us with any questions about our articles in this newsletter on 08 6222 6645 or email

Kind regards,

WealthCo Advisory

New increased super contribution caps

Give your retirement planning a boost with an injection of funds into your super. But act quickly to weigh up your options. Read full article >>

Tax changes – what it will mean to me

Upcoming changes to Australia’s tax system mean it’s time for investors to review their investment strategies. Read full article >>

Securing your passwords online

We spend a lot of time online and don’t often think about the risks involved. Read full article >>

Why investors are firmly focused on interest rates

2024 is very much a story of how quickly and how sharply rates will start coming down. Read full article >>